consultancy in bangalore for abroad study

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Affordable Universities

Ever wondered why the best students from some of the best colleges in the rural parts of India are not offered job opportunities at the same level as average students from average colleges in large cities?

It isn’t just about how good you are academically or which course you’ve studied. BUT it is all about WHERE you’ve studied.

Good education is the foundation for a good career and life. At Bloom Abroad Services Services, we offer students many options to choose from to pursue their international education.

Your dreams of studying abroad can come true and be stress free, when you rely on our experts.

bloom abroad services

Affordable Universities

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Prepare To Fly

  • Ready
    Before Your Trip
    Step 1
    • Passport and Visa Check:
      • Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned return date.
      • Research and obtain the necessary visas for your destination.
    • Health Preparations:
      • Consult your healthcare provider for required vaccinations or medications.
      • Pack necessary prescription medications and a copy of your prescriptions.
    • Travel Insurance:
      • Consider purchasing comprehensive travel insurance to cover medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost luggage.
    • Financial Planning:
      • Inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid issues with your credit/debit cards.
      • Carry some local currency and a backup payment method.
    • Itinerary and Reservations:
      • Make copies of your travel itinerary, reservations, and important documents.
      • Share your itinerary with a trusted friend or family member.
  • Steady

    Step 2

    • Packing Checklist:
      • Create a detailed packing list, including clothing, toiletries, travel adapters, and any specific items for your destination's climate.
      • Learn About Your Destination:
      • Research local customs, culture, and etiquette to respect local traditions.
      • Familiarize yourself with the local language or basic phrases.
      • Safety Measures:
      • Register with your embassy or consulate if required.
      • Share your contact details and emergency contacts with someone at home.
      • Travel Planning:
      • Accommodation and Transportation:
      • Confirm your hotel or accommodation reservations.
      • Book transportation options such as flights, trains, or buses.
      • Local Currency:
      • Exchange currency or withdraw local money from ATMs as needed.
      • Documents and Security:
      • Travel Documents:
      • Organize your travel documents in a secure travel wallet or folder.
      • Include your passport, visa, driver's license, and any printed confirmations.
      • Photocopies and Digital Copies:
      • Make photocopies of important documents (passport, visas, insurance, itinerary).
      • Store digital copies of documents in a secure cloud storage account.
    • Packing and Essentials:
      • Luggage and Packing:
        • Choose suitable luggage and packing organizers.
        • Pack essentials such as a universal adapter, travel-sized toiletries, a first-aid kit, and a travel pillow.
      • Travel Comfort:
        • Pack comfortable clothing and footwear for the journey.
        • Consider packing a travel blanket, eye mask, and earplugs for better rest during transit.
  • Fly
    Final Preparations:
    Step 3
    • Home Security:
      • Secure your home by locking doors and windows, setting alarms, and informing a trusted neighbor or friend.
    • Emergency Contacts:
      • Compile a list of local emergency contacts and addresses at your destination.
      • Include contact information for your embassy or consulate.
    • During Your Trip:
    • Stay Informed:
      • Stay updated on local news, weather, and safety advisories.
      • Keep copies of your documents and money in a secure location.
    • Enjoy Your Trip:
    • Relax and Explore:
      • Embrace your journey, immerse yourself in the local culture, and have fun exploring new places and experiences.
      • With this comprehensive plan, you'll be well-prepared for your travels abroad, ensuring a safe and enjoyable trip. Safe travels!
Your Dreams Are Waiting For You. What Are You Waiting For?

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Travel Process

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Uni Rankings

    University Rankings. Everything that you need to know.

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English Test

    What all parents must consider before sending their children abroad.

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Life Abroad

    University Rankings. Everything that you need to know.